Sunday, April 27, 2008

OH What A Weekend!

I just participated in one of those 'forever memory' weekends, you know the ones that you will still be talking about when you're 90!
It all started Friday morning when my dear friend Tasha and I set up for Stake women's day....tables,decor etc...even mundane things are fun with Tash...Then we headed off to book club it was being held at Sister Salt's home (my children have adopted this family as their own) We had the opportunity to discuss the March edition of the Ensign, It truly was a wonderful, intimate evening of sharing our feelings in regards to our relationship with the Saviour. We had all brought items to share (IE.treats,bookmarks,F.H.E kits,cute candles,dvd's)then created these fun baskets to give to neighbours,teachers and friends with a copy of the Ensign. I loved listening to these beautiful sisters bear their testimony,share their concerns, fill the room with laughter,shed tears and counsel with one another.
We didn't end until 11pm then proceeded to drive over to Kelly's home for a sleepover...YES you heard me a sleepover....We made amazing salads for the women's conference until about 1am (my favorite memory was watching these women work together,laughing,talking and just generally having a silly time.) A few of the girls had to leave at this time...after wishing them a safe ride, the rest of us slipped into our bathing suits and jumped into the hot tub. It was a beautiful night, we sat around guessed it, talked, and laughed.
After drying off and wrapping up in our p.j's and blankets we spent the next few hours discussing how blessed we are to be surrounded by such wonderful women, until finally(4am) we drifted off in a peaceful sleep...
We had to rise early to prepare for the conference, Kelly made us delicious smoothies then we found our way to the Stake centre ...yes on time!
Another amazing day of counsel from our priesthood leaders, lunch went surprisingly well ...(just the right number of subs, sandwiches and salads)
No rest for the weary, my mom had us drive out to this fantastic country market to purchase fresh fruit and veggies (great deals).I was home with enough time to put the food away,give the kids and Ian a quick cuddle and off to a baby shower, after the baby shower Tasha and I stayed up talking to Dave about what an amazing adventure we had....
Though the adventure was not over, todays sacrament meeting was memorable as it was Jon's first real sacrament talk, he spoke about the priesthood and the importance of the fast offering. He did a great job!
The Relief Society lesson was about my favorite Con talk from last Oct....
Women who know
by Sister Julie Beck.( a talk that is dedicated to 'doing less',) How ironic.... though I must explain to you this was a unique and wonderful weekend....from a women who knows! It probably will never be duplicated, maybe that is one of the reasons it is so memorable.
The icing on the cake was a relaxing dinner on Sunday evening with the Hill family, I owed them ...after betting they were having a boy...(I know there is a reason why Mormons don't bet) ...We celebrated the announcement of (I'm positive,)a beautiful baby girl with a dinner,some delicious carrot cake and a basket of 'girly' outfits and treats for the expectant mom.... I couldn't think of a nicer way to finish off the 'perfect girls only weekend!'.......

*note any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors due to total exhausion!

1 comment:

Terri-Ann said...

What an inspiring weekend! Isn't it great when life finally throws you something like this, after all the tough work we have to do daily!

I'm interested about your book you meet once a month? What types of books do you discuss? It's hard getting books written by LDS authors here (especially since libraries don't carry them).