Wednesday, July 2, 2008

camping with 72 girls.......

"WAS IT WORTH IT?" this was the first question I was asked as I dragged my tired body home at around 1pm on Saturday afternoon. Was it worth it? hmmm? I started for most on Tuesday... but not for those in charge we had been planning for months...researching,fasting,praying,organizing, purchasing....praying some more! I answered 2 seconds later with a resounding YES!
The young women were amazing, they did all they were asked( most like Nephi)The theme was 'steadfast as the stars' and that they were...we had amazing campfires,amazing positive pranks, amazing spiritual moments, amazing food, amazing youth leaders,amazing adult help! In a word it was AMAZING! I literally had 2 hats to wear... I was the assistant camp director....(administrative)& I was a cabin leader over the 2nd year girls, which was totally rewarding....they are fantastic and truly made all the planning,praying & preparing worth it!
I am excited to start planning for next years camp. These youth have my heart! and I suppose they always will......
Pres. Eyring stated it best when he said... "It is by faith that you can lay hold upon every good thing. I pray with all my heart that your faith will be increased that you are a daughter of a loving God. I testify to you that you have been one of the valiant ones to reach the point where you now are in this journey of life. Just as you are marked as a target by the enemy of righteousness, you have been protected and watched over by your Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. They know you. They know all of the forces and individuals around you. They know what is ahead of you. And so They know which of the choices you make, which of the desires you decide to satisfy, and which of the circumstances around you will make the most difference in keeping you walking in the light. I testify that by the Spirit of Christ and by the Holy Ghost, you may walk confidently in whatever difficulties will come. Because you are so valuable, some of your trials may be severe. You need never be discouraged or afraid. The way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith.

You must have faith to pray. You must have faith to ponder the word of God. You must have faith to do those things and go to those places which invite the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Ghost.

I promise you that within the next few days you will feel the illumination of the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Ghost in your everyday life. When you walk in the light, you will feel at that moment some of the warmth and the happiness that will finally be yours when you are welcomed home again with the hundreds and perhaps thousands of others whom you will bring with you, who have walked in the light because you did."


mommy's thoughts! said...

Oh I wish I could have gone with you! I'm glad you want to do it all over again next year because the youth need great leaders like you!

Canamerican said...

We only wish our Emma could have shared in this wonderful experience! Next year! Thanks for all your enthusiasm and hard work and LOVE for these girls! They can really feel it! A good exhausted feeling, eh? Love you!

xoxo Aimee